Saturday, August 29, 2020

List All Files In Folder Excel VBA Macro

The following macro example triggers a dialog box to select a folder in windows explorer and then lists all files within that folder in the active worksheet.

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Macro/VBA code:

  Sub ListAllFilesInFolder()
      Dim myDialog As FileDialog
      Dim myFolder As String, myFile As String
      Set myDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
      If myDialog.Show = -1 Then
          myFolder = myDialog.SelectedItems(1) & Application.PathSeparator
          myFile = Dir(myFolder & "*")
          Do While myFile <> ""
              r = r + 1
              ActiveSheet.Range("A" & r).Value = myFile
              myFile = Dir
      End If
  End Sub

Macro explained:

  • We declare a FileDialog object variable (myDialog) and two string variables to hold folder and files.
  • We use the FileDialog property of the Application object to define a dialog object set to the variable myDialog. We use the folder picker dialog option with msoFileDialogFolderPicker. FileDialog accepts four possible constants:
    • msoFileDialogFilePicker. Allows user to select a file
    • msoFileDialogFolderPicker. Allows user to select a folder
    • msoFileDialogOpen. Allows user to open a file
    • msoFileDialogSaveAs. Allows user to save a file
  • Then we check if a folder was picked with the Show property of the dialog object. If a folder was picked the result is -1, otherwise it would be 0.
  • We use the SelectedItems property of the dialog object to select the folder.
  •  Next, we use the Dir function to get the first file in that folder. The asterisk symbol (*) refers to all types of files. That can be changed to a specific name and/or extension.
  • Finally, we loop through the files in the folder and add each file’s name to column A in the active worksheet.

This is how we copy filtered data to new sheets in Excel with VBA macros.

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