The Range Object

The Range object is probably the most used object in Excel VBA. It is a property of a Worksheet object, so it only exists if there is an active worksheet, which requires an active workbook. The Range object represents a container of cells, which are the ultimate recipient for the data in Excel.

How to reference the Range object

As we have seen earlier, we refer to a Range object by putting the address (column letters and row numbers) surrounded by double quotations. We can refer to several ranges using a comma separator between each range, and we can also refer a named range by simply putting the name in double quotations.

  Range("D4:G8, K12:M18")...

We can refer to a whole row or column with the Range object or with the Rows and Columns properties as follows:

 Range("A:A")... or Columns("A")... or Columns(1)...
 Range(2:2)... or Rows(2)...

Note the Rows and Columns (plural) properties return a Range object, however, the Row and Column (singular) properties return a number. Thus, we can get the row or column number for a given range. The below example returns 26.


A very useful expression uses the Row or Column properties to return the last row or column with content in a range. The below example returns the number of the last row with content in the given range by using the End and Row properties.


As we have seen earlier, we need to follow the object hierarchy to reference a Range object in other worksheet or workbook. Otherwise, the range refers to whatever sheet and workbook is active when running the macro.


The Cells property/object

The Cells property of the Range object has an Item property to refer to a single cell within a range. Generally, the Item property is omitted and Cells is used alone with the given row and column numbers in parenthesis.

 Cells.Item(4,3)... or Cells(4,3)...

The Cells property represents a cell object within the worksheet and is used in the same way we use Range with other sheets or workbooks.

 Workbooks("Book1").Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(4, 3)...

A range can also be referenced with Cells as indicated below. This is handy when using variables to define row and column numbers.

 Range(Cells(1,1), Cells(4,4))...

The Offset property

The Offset property of the Range object is used to reference a cell located a particular number of rows and columns from that range. The below example references the cell E4.

 Range("A1").Offset(3, 4)...

Other useful properties

The Count property of the Range object returns the number of cells in a range. It can be used with the Rows and Columns properties to show those figures respectively.

 Range("A1:D8").Count                    'equals 32
 Range("A1:D8").Rows.Count            'equals 8
 Range("A1:D8").Columns.Count       'equals 4

As we have seen earlier, the Value property is a read-write property of the value of a cell or range (we can get or give the value). The value can be any type of data or a predefined variable (see next lesson). Double quotations represents an empty string value.

 Range("A1").Value = 10
 Range("I8").Value = "Salary"
 Range("I8").Value = ""

The NumberFormat property changes the format of the values in a cell or range. The expression follows the Excel custom format codes. The below example changes the number format of column B to percentage with two decimal places.

 Range("B:B").NumberFormat = "0.00%"

The Formula property is used to insert formulas in a cell or range and it takes the exact Excel formula syntax (including the equal sign) in double quotations.

 Range("A10").Formula = "=SUM(A1:A9)"

Font, Interior, and Borders properties

The Font property actually returns a Font object that can take several other properties such as Name, Size, Color or ColorIndex, Style, etc. See below some examples of these useful formatting properties.

 With ActiveSheet.Range("A1:H20")
     .Font.Name = "Arial"
     .Font.Size = 12
     .Font.FontStyle = "Bold Italic"
 End With

The Interior property returns the Interior object (or background) of the cell in the same way we have seen with Font. We can change the background color or pattern of a cell or range with the Color or ColorIndex, and Pattern properties respectively.

The Borders property represents the third part of a cell along with Font and Interior. Some of the properties for Borders include LineStyle, Weight, Color or ColorIndex, etc.

Color and ColorIndex properties

Now let’s see how color works in VBA. As we have seen just above, the Color and ColorIndex properties can be applied to set the color of the Font, Interior, and Borders objects (and of some other VBA objects too). There are different ways to do that. 

The simplest way is using Excel VB color, which has a range of only 8 colors.

The following code sets the color of the interior of Cell A1 to red using the VB Color property.

 Range("A1").Interior.Color = vbRed

The ColorIndex property allows for 56 basic colors (see below), while the RGB function makes possible choosing from thousands of combinations of Red, Green, and Blue.

The below code sets the color of the interior of cell A1 to red using the ColorIndex and RGB Color properties.

 Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 3
 Range("J1").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)

Useful methods of the Range object

We can either select or activate a Range object. If a range is selected, the Activate method can active a single cell within the selection. With the Worksheet and Workbook objects it works slightly different. We can select several Worksheet objects but can only activate one. Workbook objects can only be activated. Here’s how we select or activate a Range:

 Cells(4, 8).Select

Note we can only select a Range in the active sheet. If we want to select a range in other sheet we need to first activate it.


We copy a range in the active sheet or any other specific sheet with the Copy method. However, the Paste method only works with a Worksheet object, so it’s better to use the PasteSpecial method instead as that works with the destination range object.


We can also use the range destination attribute of the Copy method to do the same operation in just one line of code.

 Range("A1:D4").Copy Range("H1")

The Clear method of the Range object deletes the content and cell formatting of a range. Alternatively, the ClearContents method deletes only the content and the ClearFormats method the format.


The Delete method deletes the content, format, and cells itself, thus shifting any other cells around to fill up the gap. We can add an argument to indicate which direction those cells around will move.

 Range("E2:H10").Delete xlToLeft

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