We have seen all the theory about Userforms (and some practice). In this section we build a Userfrom with all the components and macros associated with them from start to end. First, we design the form and add controls. Then we add events and actions to each of the controls. And finally, we add macros that perform those actions to a standard module.
Userform Design
The first
step is to design the Userofrm and add the controls. We format the form
template and add the controls by dragging them from the tool box (see more
about Userform template here and Userform controls here). As an example, we
have a project reporting form that allows to assign a RAG status to a given
project (specified with a project ID), add it to a list, and then save or write
that list to the worksheet.
The table
below shows all the components/controls in the Userform. The name and caption
of the Userform and its controls has been changed in the properties window (at
design-time). The table also shows the description (or purpose) of the
component/control (we will see more about that later).
Component |
Name |
Caption |
Description/purpose |
UserForm |
projectForm |
Project Reporting |
Project reporting form |
Label |
Label1 |
Project ID |
Descriptive text for tbProject |
Label2 |
RAG status |
Descriptive text for cbRAG box |
Label3 |
List of projects |
Descriptive text for lbProjects
box |
TextBox |
tbProject |
- |
Accepts a project ID |
ComboBox |
cbRAG |
- |
Contains project RAG statuses
drop-down |
ListBox |
lbProjects |
- |
List of added projects and status |
Button |
btnAdd |
Add to list |
Adds project and RAG to the list
box |
btnSave |
Save to sheet |
Writes the list of projects to the
worksheet |
btnClose |
Closes the form |
The labels
describe the contents in the other controls (the text, combo and list boxes).
The name of the labels has not been changed – they are by default Label1,
Label2, and Label3. It is not necessary to change it. It could be useful though
in case we want to program the labels (change any of the properties at
We set
other necessary properties for the Userform or controls in the properties
window. For example, we can set the MaxLength of the text box (tbProject) to 4
because the project ID is a 4 digit number (just as an example). Similarly, we
may want to format the font or color of the text or any other property of this
or other control.
Userform/Controls Events
We add a
Userform_Initialize event procedure to set or apply any properties at run-time,
just before the Userform opens. For example, we can populate the combo box with
values here. As we will see later, that could also be done from within the
calling macro that opens the form.
Dim RAGflag As Variant
RAGflag = Array("Green", "Amber", "Red")
cbRAG.List = RAGflag
End Sub
We add an
event procedure to restrict the input in the text box to only numbers (the project
ID must be a number). We achieve that by locking the input if the ascii code of
the key pressed is not between 48 and 57, the ascii codes for numbers. See the
full list of ascii codes in this other page. Furthermore, and as explained
earlier, the MaxLength property was set to accept only four digits.
If KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57 Then 'ascii for numbers from 0 to 9
tbProject.Locked = True 'lock if NAN
tbProject.Locked = False
End If
End Sub
Each button
performs an action as per the code in their respective Click event procedures.
The first button (btnAdd) calls the AddProject macro, which gets the project ID
(tbProject) and RAG status (cbRAG) and adds it to the list of projects box
(lbProjects). We will see that macro later.
Call AddProject
End Sub
The second
button (btnSave) calls the macro SaveProjects, which loops through all the
projects added to the list box (lbProjects) and writes them to the worksheet
(see later).
Call SaveProjects
End Sub
The third
button (btnClose) closes the form. We could add some checks here if needed, for
example to check if the data has been saved before closing the form.
Unload Me
End Sub
We are also
going to use the Change event of the combo box to check if the project is amber
or red to display a warning/reminder message about the process to follow (for
example). As with previous event procedures, a macro is called (ShowAlert) to
perform that task in a standard module.
Call ShowAlert
End Sub
Action Macros
actions or tasks derived from control events are included in one or more
standard modules to keep the code organized and more accessible. For this simple example, one module is
enough; unless we still feel like further separating the code in various
The first
action is to open the Userform. This might happen when selecting data in the
worksheet, pressing a button added to the worksheet, the cell menu, or the
ribbon. See 10 different ways to run a macro in this other page. The below
macro is used to open the form. We could set the value for any property of the
form or its controls, for example, we could populate the combo box from within
this macro too (but we have already included that in the Userform
initialization, either way is valid).
With projectForm
'set properties of Userform or controls (if needed)
End With
End Sub
Most actions
are associated with the click of a button; that’s the most common case.
However, we could very well associate a macro to any other event, for example right
after updating the value in a text box, or when selecting a value in the combo or
list box. The macro ShowAlert is called from the Change event procedure of the
combo box. When the value in the combo box changes, the macro prompts the
message associated with the selected RAG status (when project is amber or red).
Dim RAGstatus As String
RAGstatus = projectForm.cbRAG.Value
If RAGstatus = "Red" Then
MsgBox "Red project - inform manager"
ElseIf RAGstatus = "Amber" Then
MsgBox "Amber project - keep on watch"
End If
End Sub
Two of the buttons call the two macros below: AddProject and SaveProjects. The third button is closing the form and that one line of code stays in the Userform module. AddProject gets the project ID from the text box (tbProject) and the RAG status from the combo (cbRAG), and adds the concatenation as a line entry in the list box (lbProjects).
Dim projectID As String, RAGstatus As String
With projectForm
projectID = .tbProject.Value
RAGstatus = .cbRAG.Value
If projectID <> "" And RAGstatus <> "" Then
.lbProjects.AddItem projectID & ": " & RAGstatus
MsgBox "Enter a project and select the RAG status"
End If
End With
End Sub
The other
macro (SaveProjects) writes the contents of the list box (lbProjects) to the
active worksheet. Specifically, it loops through each item in the list and adds
the values to one cell after another along column A.
Dim i As Integer, r As Integer
With projectForm
For i = 0 To .lbProjects.ListCount - 1
r = r + 1
ActiveSheet.Cells(r, 1).Value = .lbProjects.List(i)
Next i
End With
End Sub
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