This page is a reference to various Userform examples from Excel macros, apps, and add-ins that can be found in the blogs of Excel Macro Mania. We will briefly review the components for each Userform and provide the link to the page to download the file.
Mortgage Calculator
This is a simple macro that easily calculates the mortgage payment, principal and interest for a given loan amount, interest rate, and loan term. It also shows a payments chart and amortization table. The data can be entered through a Userform. The Userform has five text boxes (with five labels) to accept input and two buttons to update the data in the worksheet with formulas to calculate the mortgage or cancel/close the form.
Go to Excel Mortgage Calculator
Service-Desk Manager
This is a
simple but powerful service incident management tool that allows to create,
update and resolve incidents, setting the status, priority, assignment team,
and fully tracking all changes. It comes with a dashboard and simple reporting
It has
several Userforms for each of those activities that display information and/or
accept input for a given incident. It uses text and combo boxes (with labels)
along command buttons. The form below is used to create or edit an incident –
the caption is updated accordingly.
Go to Excel Service-Desk Manager
Forex Tester
This other
Excel app simulates trading in the Forex market using historical data. It
allows to easily place market or pending orders, setup targets, and calculate
profits. It also displays a number of trading technical indicators.
It contains
various Userforms to import data and setup the project, and to place market and
pending trading orders. Both Userforms use Frame controls to separate each
component within the form and have text and combo boxes (with labels) along
buttons, as in earlier examples. The order form also has spin buttons
(SpinButton control) to increase or decrease the value in the corresponding
text boxes.
Standalone Calculator
calculator is a Userform with a text box for the display and several buttons
for numbers, operators, and other functions. The Userform is standalone, which
means that it opens with Excel in the background.
The Click
events for each button call the corresponding macro to add the number to the
display text box or perform the operation. Numbers can also be entered manually
in the display. For that, there is a series of text box events that control
user input. That’s achieved with KeyDown and KeyPress events.
A Userform
can be displayed standalone by setting the visibility of the Application object
to False when the workbook opens (ThisWorkbook module).
Application.Visible = False
End Sub
Go to Excel Standalone Calculator
Other Examples
This other
examples belong to add-ins or locked projects, and therefore, the code is not
available. Still, you can check it out to see the many possibilities and
potential of Excel Userforms.
Sudoku Pro - forms to upload and download Sudoku puzzles.
Word Serach Pro – many forms using other controls such as OptionButton, CheckBox, Frame,
and Image controls.
Date Picket Add-In – adds controls programmatically.
CompareXLSAdd-In – forms allow selecting files, worksheets, and groups of cells.
Currency Converter Add-In – adds pictures/chart at run-time.
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