Events are actions that can be recognized by an object. The UserForm object can recognize certain events such as Userform initialization upon opening, activation (and deactivation), closing, click/double click and other mouse events, keystroke events, etc. We can get or set the value of certain properties or perform actions as a response to such events with VBA code in the respective event procedures.
List of events
The events listed below are triggered when showing and closing a Userform. They occur in the order given below. The event Initialize happens before the Userform appears, followed by Activate. A Userform is activated when shown or when clicking on the form if another Userform was active before (in case there are 2 forms or more). Similarly, a Userform is deactivated when activating another form while keeping the first one open. The events QueryClose and Terminate are triggered when closing the form. The difference between QueryClose and Terminate is that QueryClose is triggered before the Userform is removed from memory while Terminate occurs after released from memory (fully closed).
- Initialize
- Activate
- (Deactivate)
- QueryClose
- Terminate
QueryClose allows to
control certain aspects when closing the Userform. As we will see later, an
event procedure for a particular event can accept parameters. QueryClose
accepts two parameters: Cancel and CloseMode. Setting “Cancel” to True prevents
from closing the Userform. “CloseMode” returns a number that identifies the
closing action. There are four ways altogether to close a Userform: with the
red cross close button at the top-right of the form (value 0), with Unload
(value 1), closing the parent application (value 2), and from the task manager
(value 3). We can disable a certain way of closing the form with CloseMode
along Cancel. For example, we can prevent from closing the form with the red
cross button with the code in the event procedure below.
If CloseMode = 0 Then Cancel = True
End Sub
There are a number of
mouse-related events. We can react to a click or a double click on the Userform
(Click and DblClick events). We can also capture the mouse move or mouse down
and up events. The order in which events happen follows the sequence shown
Mouse left click:
MouseDown, MouseUp, Click
Mouse right click:
MouseDown, MouseUp (there is no right click event)
Mouse double click:
MouseDown, MouseUp, Click, DblClick, MouseUp
Similarly, there are
also key-related events, which recognize pressing a key in the keyboard while
the Userform is open. There are three key-related events: KeyDown, KeyPress,
KeyUp, and they happen in that particular order. These events are rather used with
certain controls, for example to react to certain keys (or characters) when
entering data in a text or combo box (e.g. avoid entering special characters,
avoid pressing delete or other keys), because many of the Userform events also
apply to Userform controls (see next chapter for controls).
And there are several
other Userform events that may be useful in some cases. We can recognize for
example the event of adding (or removing) a control, when controls are added
(or removed) programmatically. As mentioned earlier, Userform controls have
many events in common with the Userform, and many events are often managed at
control level. But we will look at that in the next chapter.
Event procedures
The code to respond to
an event is stored in the corresponding event procedure. We can see the list of
events and add an event procedure from the drop-down on the top-right of the
code window when selecting Userform in the drop-down on the left.
We can add VBA code to
the procedure to respond to a given event. For example, we can use the
Initialize event procedure to set certain properties of the form and its
controls such as populating a combo box or adding items to a list box. We will
see how to do that later in this training. Here’s an example of the code to
update the caption and set to modeless before is shown.
ShowModal = False
Caption = "Registration Form"
End Sub
Note that the properties in the example above can also be set from within the calling procedure. But we may want to keep the code in the Userform module when planning to import/export the Userform to/from other VBA project.
We can prompt a
message or call a macro to do something else after closing the Userform with
QueryClose or Terminate. We have
explained the difference between the two events earlier in this page.
MsgBox "Registration complete"
Call SaveDataToSheet
End Sub
And as just mentioned
above, that code can also be added to the calling procedure that is closing the
form. The only reason we may want to keep it here is in case it’s some standard
code to be always run when closing a form or when we want to keep it in the
Userform module to later export and reuse the form and code. Thus, we can have
standard templates with default actions that we want to have in all the
Userforms. As an example, we could want to always have the close form button
disabled and warn the user if trying to close the form from there (instead of
using a command button in the form, for example).
If CloseMode = 0 Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox “Use the buttons below to save, submit, or close the form”
End If
End Sub
As shown in the example just above, some event procedures accept parameters. QueryClose accepts the parameters Cancel and CloseMode explained earlier. Key-related events accept a parameter that identifies the key code or ASCI code associated with a key. We can use that parameter to perform some action in the event of pressing a certain key in the keyboard. For example, we can identify at the moment of putting the key down if it is the “Return” key, the “Delete” key, and many other (see Keycode constants).
If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then
'do something, maybe bring the form to the center of the screen
Me.Left = Application.Left + (0.5 * Application.Width) - (0.5 * .Width)
ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyDelete Then
'do something else
End If
End Sub
We can also identify characters with the KeyAscii parameter of the KeyPress event. KeyAscii is the ASCI code of the character, which can also be one of the control characters. The example below would close the form if “ESC” is pressed (the ASCI control code for ESC is 27 - note that we could also do that with KeyDown along vbKeyEscape). See the full list of ASCI codes in this other page.
If KeyAscii = 27 Then Unload Me
End Sub
However, both KeyDown
and KeyPress won’t work if the Userform has controls such as a text or combo
box or also a button, among others, as those depend on key events to input data
(or be clicked), unless the property TabStop of the controls is set to False.
But, as explained earlier, KeyPress and also KeyDown are more often used with
Userform controls such as text or combo boxes to avoid entering special
characters or pressing certain control keys or even allowing only to enter
numbers, etc, thus allowing to control the input and avoid errors. We will see
more about that in the next chapter.
Some mouse-related
event procedures also accept parameters, for example to store the horizontal
and vertical position of the mouse cursor. Event procedures for adding and
removing controls can identify the type of control being added/removed.
Procedures for error events have parameters for error code, source of error,
But now is time to
start adding controls to the Userform. In the next sections we will see how to
build a functional form with Userform controls, work with the controls to
display and gather information or execute certain actions.
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