Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Consolidate Filtered Data From Multiple Sheets Excel VBA Macro

In this post we see how to consolidate filtered data from multiple sheets into separate sheets for each unique entry using Excel VBA macros. The macro loops through each worksheet and filters each unique entry in column A, then adds a new sheet for each unique entry to copy/paste the data. It is a modification of a previous macro (Copy Filtered Data To New Sheets), that allows to combine data from various sheets.

Macro/VBA code:

  Sub ConsolidateDataMultipleSheets()
      Dim ws As Worksheet, lr As Long, brand As Variant
      Dim uniqueBrands As New Collection, entry As Variant
      For Each ws In Worksheets
          With ws
           'get unique entries (brand name) in that sheet (ws)
           lr = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
           On Error Resume Next
           For Each entry In .Range("A2:A" & lr)
               uniqueBrands.Add entry, entry
           'filter and copy/paste the data
           For Each brand In uniqueBrands
               brand = brand.Value
               If Sheets(brand) Is Nothing Then Sheets.Add.Name = brand
               .Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=brand
               lr = Sheets(brand).Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
               If lr = 1 Then
              .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _
               .Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _
               Sheets(brand).Range("A" & lr + 1)
               End If
           Next brand
           End With
       Next ws
  End Sub


Macro explained:

  • We declare an object variable to store each worksheet (ws), a variable to store the row number of the last row with content (lr), and a Variant to store the elements (brand) in a collection of unique entries (unique brands). Then we declare uniqueBrands as a new collection and entry as Variant to get unique entries in the given range (see later).
  • With each worksheet (in the example above that’s Dealer1, Dealer2, etc), we get first the unique list of entries in column A (for brands). For that, we loop through all values in column A (from A2 up to the last row with content – lr), and attempt to add each entry to the key with that same value to the collection. When the value is repeated that generates and error, and therefore we need to anticipate with error handling. In that way, it only adds the same value once, thus creating a collection of unique entries.
  • Then we turn on filtering in that worksheet and start looping through the collection of unique entries (uniqueBrands). For each brand (Variant), we get the value of brand reusing the same variable. We could be using another variable too.
  • We filter the data by brand (Criteria1) in column A (Field), and add a sheet with the brand name, unless there is already a worksheet with that name.
  • Now we get the last row with content in the new sheet. If it’s empty (lr=1), we copy the source data including the header and paste it through A1. However, if there’s already some data in that sheet (lr>1), we use Offset to copy a row below and skip the headers, and then paste after the last row with content (lr +1).
  • Finally, we unfiltered everything using the ShowAllData property of the activated worksheet (ws) and move to the next brand in uniqueBrands for that sheet.
  • The process repeats as many times as initial sheets in the workbook.


This is how we consolidate filtered data from multiple sheets in Excel with VBA macros.


Other examples:



  1. its really perfect,

    but this formulas only to adding sheets,


    what if it is formulated to add workbooks with a name (brand) ?

    can u help me, please :)

    1. For that please check this other post: Separate Sheets Into Workbooks

  2. I tried. This program creates empty sheets only. No data inside. Please advise

    1. Please check the video where I explain how it works:


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