The ListBox control displays a list of values and lets a user select one or more. The ListBox can either appear as a list or as a group of OptionButton controls or CheckBox controls. The ListBox has similar properties and events as the ComboBox or TextBox. It also has the same two methods of the ComboBox to add and remove items. The toolbox symbol for a ListBox control is highlighted in the image below.
ListBox Properties
As with other
controls, the Name property is used as an object to target any other property
or method. We can change the default name of the ListBox control in the
properties window. We can change the color, borders, font size and style,
position, dimensions of the box, and other properties as done with other
One of the distinctive
properties of the ListBox control is the property MultiSelect, which allows to
set the box to accept one or multiple values (by default accepts a single value
only). Furthermore, the ListStyle property allows to show values as options
(when set to 1-fmListStyleOption). Combining multiple file selection along
option style displays a list box with checks for each value (see image below).
Another key property
of the ListBox control (and for ComboBox) is the property List. It allows to
add an array of values to the box. The code below is used to populate the list
box with values in the picture above before the Userform opens.
ListBox1.List = Array("Label", "Frame", "TextBox", "ComboBox", _
"ListBox", "CommandButton", "CheckBox", "OptionButton", _
"SpinButton", "MultiPage", "Image")
End Sub
Along with List, other
useful properties of the ComboBox are the properties ListCount and ListIndex.
ListCount returns the total number of items in the box while ListIndex returns
the index of the selected item (starting at 0). This line of code saves the
value or text of the selected item into a variable (MySelection).
MySelection =
However, when allowing
multiple selection, the ListIndex property only returns the index of the last
selected item. In order to get each of the selected items we need to loop
through the list and check if selected as indicated below.
If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then
r = r + 1
Cells(r, 1).Value = ListBox1.List(i)
End If
Next i
That code could go in
a macro (inside a standard module) being called from the Click event procedure
of the button (Add to sheet). It could also be in the event procedure within
the Userform module itself.
ListBox Methods
The ListBox control
(and also ComboBox) have two methods to add and remove entries in the box: AddItem
and RemoveItem. The method AddItem
requires the value or text of the item and an optional parameter that specifies
the position in the list (zero-based). If not specified, the item is added at
the end. The following example adds the project code (inside a text box) and
the RAG status (from a combo box) to the
list box when the button is clicked.
projectID = TextBox1.Value
RAGstatus = ComboBox1.Value
ListBox1.AddItem projectID & ": " & RAGstatus
End Sub
Since the index/position was not specified, each item is added at the end. Here’s how it looks after having added four items (four projects) to the list box.
On the other hand, the
RemoveItem only has one parameter, which is the index or position of the item
to be removed in the list (zero-based). The line of code below could go inside
the Click event procedure of another button to delete a selected entry (the
only one selected or the last one selected if multiple selection is allowed).
ListBox Events
The ListBox control has
as many events as the ComboBox or TextBox. The most commonly used event of the
ListBox is the Change event. We may want to take immediate action when an item
in the list box is selected. The example below displays a message when
selecting an item in the list box.
Dim MySelection As String
MySelection = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex)
MsgBox "Project selected: " & MySelection
End Sub
This other example
updates the number of items selected each time an element in the list box is
selected or deselected. We have seen earlier the same loop used to verify which
items are selected. Then, a numeric variable increments when selected and
writes the value to cell A1 after the loop ends.
Dim i As Integer, selected As Integer
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.selected(i) = True Then
selected = selected + 1
End If
Next i
Range("A1").Value = selected
End Sub
The MouseDown event of
the ListBox control is triggered before the Change event. That could be useful
to perform some action before an item in the list is actually selected. If
Change is not used, Click or DblClick events, and MouseDown or MouseUp may be
used in some scenarios.
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