
The ComboBox control is another type of input box. It combines features of a TextBox and a ListBox. We can enter a value (as with the TextBox – see here), or select an existing value from the drop-down.  In that case, we need to populate the combo with a list of values first. The ComboBox has most properties and events of a TextBox and a few more. Additionally, the ComboBox has some methods to add and remove items in the box. The toolbox symbol for a ComboBox control is highlighted in the image below.

ComboBox Properties

As with other controls, the Name property is used as an object to target any other property or method. We can change the default name of the ComboBox control in the properties window.


The ComboBox has most properties of a TextBox control (and other controls) and a few more. As with most controls, we can set the color of the box, borders, font size and style, position, size, visibility, etc.  We can also align the text (TextAlign) and limit the number of characters added if manually enetered with MaxLength (as with the TextBox). We get or set the value in a combo box with Value or Text, exactly in the same way done with a text box (see more about that in the previous page – TextBox). However, we need to use specific methods of the ComboBox to add values to the drop-down list (see later).

Additionally, the  ComboBox has unique properties (most shared also with the ListBox control) to determine how the input has to match the list (MatchEntry), change settings for the button (ShowDropButtonWhen) or whether to display drop-down items as values or options with ListStyle.

Another specific property of the ComboBox control (and ListBox) is the property List. It allows to add a list or array of values to the combo box. The example below populates the combo box with three values (RAG status) before the Userform opens.

 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
     ComboBox1.List = Array("Green", "Amber", "Red")
 End Sub


Along with List, other useful properties of the ComboBox are the properties ListCount and ListIndex. ListCount returns the total number of items in the box while ListIndex returns the index of the selected item (zero-based).


ComboBox Methods

The ComboBox control (and also ListBox) have two methods to add and remove entries in the box: AddItem and RemoveItem. They are often used to add and remove items at run-time, like when adding and deleting data from a database. AddItem could also be used to populate the combo box before the Userform opens (as done earlier with the property List). An example where the AddItem method may be more convenient to use than the List property is when adding many values such as the days of the month.

 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
     'Add days to combo
     For d = 1 To 31
         ComboBox1.AddItem d
     Next d
     'Add months to combo
     ComboBox2.List = Application.GetCustomListContents(4)
     'Add years to combo
 End Sub


This other example updates the possible values for RAG status and adds a new entry in a combo box (from example above) when clicking a button (CommandButton1). This operation can only be done with the AddItem method.

 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
     ComboBox1.AddItem "New status"
 End Sub


ComboBox Events

The ComboBox control has the same events of the TextBox (with one exception – Click) and the ListBox too. Most used events are those that trigger when changing the value in the box (Change, BeforeUpdate, Afterupdate). But Change is triggered while typing into the box (after adding or removing a single digit), while BeforeUpdate or AfterUpdate occur once the value has been entered by either clicking Return or selecting other control in the form. The Click event occurs when clicking or selecting a value in the drop-down and follows after the change event. See below the list of events for a ComboBox.

The example below reacts when selecting a value in a combo box and performs the corresponding action. For example, when the RAG status is red, it prompts a message and then calls another macro to take action. The code is added to the event procedure just for demonstration purposes. However, it should rather go into a macro in a standard module, being called from the event procedure in the Userform module.

 Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
     Dim RAGstatus As String
     RAGstatus = ComboBox1.Value
     If RAGstatus = "Red" Then
         MsgBox "Red project - prompt action"
         'call macro to execute action
     ElseIf RAGstatus = "Amber" Then
         MsgBox "Amber project - keep on watch"
         'do nothing
     End If
 End Sub

As with the TextBox, we can also control the input with key-stroke events such as KeyDown, KeyPress, and KeyUp (see more about that in the previous page – TextBox). In the next chapter we look at the ListBox control, which has a lot of things in common with the ComboBox.

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