Sunday, December 12, 2021

Combine All Open Workbooks Excel VBA Macro

We often need to gather data spread across several Excel workbooks. The following VBA macro combines all open workbooks into just one. The final number of worksheets will be the sum of sheets across all open workbooks. We may want to add code to close the workbooks when done; we can do that simply adding wb.Close within the IF statement.

Learn all about Microsoft Excel and VBA macros in Excel Macro Class with plenty of Excel macro examples and VBA learning materials. Find useful Excel macros to automate your daily tasks and work in Microsoft Excel.

Macro code:

  Sub CombineAllOpenWorkbooks()
      Dim wb As Workbook
      'Start looping through open workbooks and copy
      For Each wb In Workbooks
          If wb.Name <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then
              wb.Worksheets.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
          End If
      Next wb
  End Sub


Macro explained:

  • First we declare a workbook object variable (wb) that will represent each open workbook in the following loop.
  • We start a For Each loop that will get each open workbook in the Workbooks collection.
  • Then we check the workbook is not the destination workbook (Thisworkbook), by using the Name property. If so, we copy all worksheets of each open workbook after the last sheet in the destination.
  • We can add one line of code to close the workbooks when done. We do that simply adding wb.Close within the IF statement.

This is how we combine all open workbooks in Excel using VBA macros.

Other examples:


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